check out the cool pics soon to be for sale for cheap gettem fast there a hot item hand drawn by local artist on his spare time

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

watch for this guy on the prowl for your plants he like to hide in the shadows mwamwa wake up and yur stash is gone

dude ate my stash for the week
as the day closes to an end most peeps in the world would most likely turn to a beer n chill after workin all day we all say 420 for the day is the only way to fly
hey ther peeps did i happen to mention the offering of some one of a kind t shirts being sold here at a cool price hand drawn t s there cool alota time spent on each one carefully drawing and sketching out designs to go on the cotton t s get em well there hot of the table straight from the artist himself thanks peeps have a great day

Saturday, January 9, 2010


best time to do drawings when yur chillin with a reefer and have a good idea in yur head for a picture